Lenoir-Green Counties
For Trainings in Lenior-Greene Counties
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The most important factor contributing to a student’s success in school is the quality of teaching. Our staff is committed to supporting our children through professional development opportunities for early childhood educators, students, and community members. Our comprehensive list of trainings is outlined below. Please note that trainings are offered on a rotating basis, and we are continuously offering new trainings.
If a training does not appear on our calendar, it is not currently scheduled. For more information, including trainings in Spanish, please contact our Professional Development Coordinator at 252.758.8885.
For Trainings in Lenior-Greene Counties
Please use the link below
For Trainings in Jones County
Please use the link below
For Trainings in Carteret County
Please use the link below
For Trainings in Onslow County
Please use the link below