Parents as Teachers
Parenting can be incredibly stressful, and every parent wants the very best for their children. Wouldn’t it be helpful if there was someone who could tell you exactly what to expect while your child is growing up and when to expect it? What if you could ask someone to suggest activities and ideas to support your child’s brain development? How much of a relief would it be if you had someone you could ask about your worries and concerns without judgement?
Parents as Teachers (PAT) does all of the above and more. The program offers parenting support and child development resources through playgroups, home visits, and group meetings with fellow parents. Parent Educators help support the child’s development, refer families to helpful community services, and offer support during stressful times. Families will learn more about their child, meet new friends, and have fun. Best of all, Parents as Teachers is FREE!
For more information, contact us at 252-758-8885.