School Readiness Checklist
Help your child practice the skills listed below to make the transition to school easier.
- Wash own hands
- Use the toilet independently
- Snap, button, zipper or belt own pants
- Take off and put on coat
- Sit at a table to eat
- Recognize belongings such as jacket, lunch box, and back pack
- Blow nose and cover sneezes with a tissue
- Eat independently
- Use silverware during mealtimes
- Eat at regular times during the day
- Put away toys when asked
- Communicate basic needs, and expresses thoughts and feelings
- Listen to an adult and follow simple directions
- Share and play with other children
- Play with other children without hitting or biting
- Sit still for short periods [10 minutes]
- Follow simple rules
Some children with special needs may need help or support materials to dothese things. Talk to your child’s teacher to figure out a way to make surethese supports will be provided in kindergarten.