Your Child’s Milestones By Age Five

Knowing what to expect as your child grows in their earliest years can help to reassure you that your child is right on track. However, every child develops in their own manner, so you can not always predict when a skill will be completely perfected. From ages three to five, your child’s motor skills, language, thinking, and social development are changing dramatically. These years are full of changes, so here are some milestones to look out for to make sure your child is moving in the right direction:

Social & Emotional

By age five, children should be playing in small groups, showing more independence, and distinguishing right from wrong. They should be taking turns and sharing as well as playing pretend. They may mimic adults and seek praise, wanting to feel grown-up. A child at this age should want to be with their friends and want to please them as well. They may be demanding at times, and eagerly cooperative at others.


Children at this age should be speaking clearly, able to tell simple stories using full sentences. They should be using the future tense, such as “Andy will be there!” More description should be used in conversations. They should be understanding opposites, like big and little or up and down. Your child should be able to count to 10 and know basic colors, as well as knowing the name for most common objects. They should be able to express themselves more clearly with their words. 


At the age of five, your child’s cognitive skills, which consist of learning, thinking, and problem-solving, should be developed enough to understand things that are used every day, such as money and food. They should be printing some letters or numbers as well as copying shapes. 


Your child’s physical development should include using a fork and spoon and using the toilet on their own. They should be able to jump, run, climb, and maybe even do more advanced movements like ballet or karate. Your child should know how to swing on their own and build a tower out of blocks. They may have a preferred hand for writing and other activities, but some children still remain ambidextrous at this age. 

Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children

At the Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children, we can help you to make sure these milestones are reached. We have 10 programs to help children grow. By providing resources and creating relationships with community partners, we are working to ensure a bright future for every child in our communities. Visit our website today to learn more. 

A Bright Future for Every Child in Our Community